Read Write Inc Set 2 & 3 Speed Sound Cards by Gill Munton


This pack contains one card for each of the sounds in Read Write Inc. Phonics Speed Sounds Set 2 and 3. Children are taught the three Speed Sounds sets systematically in lively, fast paced lessons, with a phrase and a picture to help children to read each of the sounds. These cards are intended for teachers to use in class. For parents/carers, Phonics Flashcards are available with full instructions.

Read Write Inc. Phonics is a proven synthetic phonics programme that ensures early success in reading, writing and spelling. Resources include Sound Cards and posters, Word Cards, Ditties, Storybooks, Non-fiction books, Book Bag Books and Writing books. Read Write Inc. is supported by teacher resources and a full training package from Ruth Miskin Training to ensure its easy implementation.

Speed Sounds Cards are also available in a multi pack of 10, in A4 size, and as flashcards for parents/carers to use at home.


ISBN: 9780198460374