Showing 161–180 of 249 results

This card game for 2–6 players gives children lots of practice decoding single words – it’s fast-paced phonics fun!
Children call the Read and Grab Word Game the ‚Äòthief game‚Äô. Children take it in turns to draw and read a card. If another player has a word card with the matching colour and character, then they can ‘grab’ the card from them. Once a player has 5 cards, they have a set, and no one can grab them! The aim is to collect the most sets.
This card game is quick and competitive, encouraging children to read single words fluently. It’s perfect for small group instruction and playing at home to build reading skills and confidence!
Read and Grab Word Game Box 10:
- Allows children to practise reading decodable words using alternative spellings for the vowel phonemes /ō/, /yoo/ and /or/ (Stage 7 Units 1–4)
- Contains 75 playing cards – 15 sets to choose from each time you play
- Includes wordlists showing each set of cards and their focus.

ISBN: 9780987264510
This card game for 2–6 players gives children lots of practice decoding single words – it’s fast-paced phonics fun!
Children call the Read and Grab Word Game the ‚Äòthief game‚Äô. Children take it in turns to draw and read a card. If another player has a word card with the matching colour and character, then they can ‘grab’ the card from them. Once a player has 5 cards, they have a set, and no one can grab them! The aim is to collect the most sets.
This card game is quick and competitive, encouraging children to read single words fluently. It’s perfect for small group instruction and playing at home to build reading skills and confidence!
Read and Grab Word Game Box 4:
- Allows children to practise reading decodable words using the consonant digraphs they have learnt in class (Stages 5–6)
- Contains 80 playing cards – 16 sets to choose from each time you play
- Includes wordlists showing each set of cards and their focus.

This card game for 2–6 players gives children lots of practice decoding single words – it’s fast-paced phonics fun!
Children call the Read and Grab Word Game the ‘thief game’. Children take it in turns to draw and read a card. If another player has a word card with the matching colour and character, then they can ‘grab’ the card from them. Once a player has 5 cards, they have a set, and no one can grab them! The aim is to collect the most sets.
This card game is quick and competitive, encouraging children to read single words fluently. It’s perfect for small group instruction and playing at home to build reading skills and confidence!
Read and Grab Word Game Box 9:
- Allows children to practise reading decodable words using alternative spellings for the vowel phonemes /ā/, /ē/ and /ī/ (Stage 7 Units 1–4)
- Contains 75 playing cards – 15 sets to choose from each time you play
- Includes wordlists showing each set of cards and their focus.

ISBN: 9780980758160
This card game for 2–6 players gives children lots of practice decoding single words – it’s fast-paced phonics fun!
Children call the Read and Grab Word Game the ‚Äòthief game‚Äô. Children take it in turns to draw and read a card. If another player has a word card with the matching colour and character, then they can ‘grab’ the card from them. Once a player has 5 cards, they have a set, and no one can grab them! The aim is to collect the most sets.
This card game is quick and competitive, encouraging children to read single words fluently. It’s perfect for small group instruction and playing at home to build reading skills and confidence!
Read and Grab Word Game Box 5:
- Allows children to practise reading decodable with the phonemes and graphemes they have learnt in class: ai ay ee ea igh oa (Stage 7 Unit 1)
- Contains 70 playing cards – 14 sets to choose from each time you play
- Includes wordlists showing each set of cards and their focus.

ISBN – 9780980752588
This card game for 2–6 players gives children lots of practice decoding single words – it’s fast-paced phonics fun!
Children call the Read and Grab Word Game the ‚Äòthief game‚Äô. Children take it in turns to draw and read a card. If another player has a word card with the matching colour and character, then they can ‘grab’ the card from them. Once a player has 5 cards, they have a set, and no one can grab them! The aim is to collect the most sets.
This card game is quick and competitive, encouraging children to read single words fluently. It’s perfect for small group instruction and playing at home to build reading skills and confidence!
Read and Grab Word Game Box 3:
- Allows children to practise reading decodable CVCC, CCVC and CCVCC words using the phonemes and graphemes they have learnt in class (Stage 5)
- Contains 80 playing cards – 16 sets to choose from each time you play
- Includes wordlists showing each set of cards and their focus.

This card game for 2–6 players gives children lots of practice decoding single words – it’s fast-paced phonics fun!
Children call the Read and Grab Word Game the ‘thief game’. Children take it in turns to draw and read a card. If another player has a word card with the matching colour and character, then they can ‘grab’ the card from them. Once a player has 5 cards, they have a set, and no one can grab them! The aim is to collect the most sets.
This card game is quick and competitive, encouraging children to read single words fluently. It’s perfect for small group instruction and playing at home to build reading skills and confidence!
Read and Grab Word Game Box 6:
- Allows children to practise reading decodable words using the phonemes and graphemes they have learnt in class: ar or ir ur er air (Stage 7 Unit 2)
- Contains 70 playing cards – 14 sets to choose from each time you play
- Includes wordlists showing each set of cards and their focus.

This card game for 2–6 players gives children lots of practice decoding single words – it’s fast-paced phonics fun!
Children call the Read and Grab Word Game the ‘thief game’. Children take it in turns to draw and read a card. If another player has a word card with the matching colour and character, then they can ‘grab’ the card from them. Once a player has 5 cards, they have a set, and no one can grab them! The aim is to collect the most sets.
This card game is quick and competitive, encouraging children to read single words fluently. It’s perfect for small group instruction and playing at home to build reading skills and confidence!
Read and Grab Word Game Box 1:
- Allows children to practise reading decodable consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words using the phonemes and graphemes they have learnt in class (Stages 1–2)
- Contains 75 playing cards – 15 sets to choose from each time you play
- Includes wordlists showing each set of cards and their focus.



24 books with the same gentle, cumulative progression as our Moon Dogs Series, Set 1.
Age-appropriate stories provide crucial further practice for the sounds of the alphabet at CVC level text.
Book 1a, 1b and 1c: s a t i m
Book 2a, 2b and 2c: n o p
Book 3a, 3b and 3c: b c g h
Book 4a, 4b and 4c: d e f v
Book 5a, 5b and 5c: k l r u
Book 6a, 6b and 6c: j w z
Book 7a, 7b and 7c : x y ff ll ss zz
Book 8a, 8b and 8c: All initial sounds, CVC

Reading, writing and comprehension activities based around the stories from The Moon Dogs Extras Series, Set 1. A wide range of activities support and provide crucial further practice for the sounds of the alphabet at CVC level text. An ideal resource for older, beginner readers.







