Showing 1–20 of 26 results

This card pack includes 35 beautifully illustrated letter sound cards for teachers to use with a whole or small group when teaching the Letter Naming/Alphabet Knowledge activities during a Heggerty Phonemic Awareness lesson. This card pack matches the activities listed in the English Pre-K, Kindergarten, and Primary curricula.
The card pack includes:
- Letter sound cards for all 26 letters of the alphabet
- Letter sound card with fancy a and fancy g for print recognition
- Letter sounds cards with pictures for both the short and long vowel sounds, and the hard and soft sounds of c and g


Chatterbox Card Set – 36 x Receptive and Expressive Language Cards
(36 different picture prompt language cards)
Oral Language is the foundation of all learning! It is the system through which we use spoken words to express knowledge, ideas, opinions and feelings. Developing oral language, then, means developing the skills and knowledge that go into listening and speaking, all of which have a strong relationship to reading and to writing.
It is important as educators that we provide opportunities for students to develop receptive and expressive language, and one way that we can do this is through scaffolded conversation.
Receptive language refers to how a child understands language. It is the “input” of language, the ability to understand and comprehend spoken language that you hear (or read).
Expressive language is the use of words, sentences, (and eventually writing), to convey meaning to others, express wants and needs, thoughts and ideas, argue a point of view, and develop the use of language to engage in successful interactions with others. It is important that students can put words together in accurate sentences and use grammar correctly.
Our new Chatterbox Card Set engages students in oral language development opportunities using ‘explore’ images. The teacher leads a conversation using the suggested questions on the back of each card. This is a time to develop receptive and expressive language, model and guide appropriate language structures, and monitor and track development.
What we love most about these picture prompt conversation cards is that the topics are age appropriate, students can make connections with the topics, and they are linked to content areas of the Australian Curriculum including Science, Geography, History, and Health (so you can build on knowledge and vocabulary).

This card pack includes 34 beautifully illustrated letter sound cards for teachers to use with a whole or small group when teaching the Letter Naming or Alphabet Knowledge activity with Consonant Blends and Digraphs. This complete set of cards aligns to the activities included in the Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Primary curriculum beginning in Week 8, and the Kindergarten curriculum in Weeks 23-35 (advanced vowel cards do not need to be used in Kindergarten).
This card pack includes:
- 21 Consonant Blends: l-blends, r-blends, s-blends, tw
- 4 Consonant Digraphs
- 8 Vowel Digraphs
- y as a vowel





Magnetic Ridged Upper Case Letters Pk 120: These sturdy plastic magnetic letters have a ridge on them to allow children to trace their finger over the letter shape which helps with letter formation as children learn to write. The letters have been designed to include a high quality magnet that sticks securely to magnetic whiteboards. The letters are in print font and therefore slightly smaller than standard magnetic letters. Hence facilitating word and sentence building on student whiteboards. The breakdown of the 120 letters in the set is based on the frequency of use of each letter in the English language. The upper case letters range from approximately 2.3 cm to 4.7 cm in height and 0.5 cm to 3.6 cm in width. Letters are also supplied in 3 bright colours in a small durable plastic tub.
Suitable for children ages 3+ years.
Items currently in stock will be despatched within 24-48 hours of your order and should arrive within 3 – 5 days (SA) and 5 – 7 days (interstate).
Stock that needs to be ordered from our suppliers should arrive between 7 – 14 days, dependent upon availability.


ISBN – 9780994512994
Milo’s Read and Grab games are sometimes called the ‘thief game’. Children can grab cards from another player if they have a matching character and colour. However, they need to read the words as well but we always make sure they can do this. The aim is to collect sets of cards. There are five cards in each set.
Milo’s Read and Grab 10 game focuses on teaching words with alternative graphemes for /oa/ as in boat, /y+oo/ as in cube and /or/ as in fork.
When playing select a few more sets than the number of children playing. Each Read and Grab game has 75 cards so there are lots of different sets to choose each time you play.
Milo’s Read and Grab Word Games are simple, fun word games that can be enjoyed by all ages. The aim is to collect as many sets of cards as possible. Each set of cards has a matching colour and one of Milo’s friends.


ISBN: 9780980597585
Milo’s Read and Grab game is called the ‘thief game’ by children. If a player has a word card with matching colour and character, then they can ‘grab’ the card as they can read it. There is lots of rereading as the cards go back and forth. The aim is to collect the matching set of five cards. Once you have 5 cards you have a set and no one can take them. They are yours!
Milo’s Read and Grab green game is a simple fun game with a focus on consonant, vowel, consonant words such as cat, leg, mob etc.
We highly recommend using this game with the twenty books from the Little Learner Stages 1 – 4. They provide practice in reading words with the same graphemes in a delightful story about Pip and Tim.

ISBN – 978098075816
Milo’s Read and Grab games are sometimes called the ‘thief games’. Children ‘grab’ cards from another player if they have a word with a matching character and colour. Children need to read each word as they take it. The aim is to collect sets of word cards. Each set has 5 cards.
Milo’s Read and Grab 7 game focuses on words with ai, ay, oa, ee, ea, igh.
When playing select a few more sets than the number of children playing. Each Read and Grab game has 75 cards so there are lots of different sets to choose from each time you play.
The Little Learner Stage 7 Unit 1 books complement this Milo’s Read and Grab game. The five books provide engaging stories to further practice reading words with these graphemes.

This card game for 2–6 players gives children lots of practice decoding single words – it’s fast-paced phonics fun!
Children call the Read and Grab Word Game the ‚Äòthief game‚Äô. Children take it in turns to draw and read a card. If another player has a word card with the matching colour and character, then they can ‘grab’ the card from them. Once a player has 5 cards, they have a set, and no one can grab them! The aim is to collect the most sets.
This card game is quick and competitive, encouraging children to read single words fluently. It’s perfect for small group instruction and playing at home to build reading skills and confidence!
Read and Grab Word Game Box 10:
- Allows children to practise reading decodable words using alternative spellings for the vowel phonemes /ō/, /yoo/ and /or/ (Stage 7 Units 1–4)
- Contains 75 playing cards – 15 sets to choose from each time you play
- Includes wordlists showing each set of cards and their focus.

ISBN: 9780987264510
This card game for 2–6 players gives children lots of practice decoding single words – it’s fast-paced phonics fun!
Children call the Read and Grab Word Game the ‚Äòthief game‚Äô. Children take it in turns to draw and read a card. If another player has a word card with the matching colour and character, then they can ‘grab’ the card from them. Once a player has 5 cards, they have a set, and no one can grab them! The aim is to collect the most sets.
This card game is quick and competitive, encouraging children to read single words fluently. It’s perfect for small group instruction and playing at home to build reading skills and confidence!
Read and Grab Word Game Box 4:
- Allows children to practise reading decodable words using the consonant digraphs they have learnt in class (Stages 5–6)
- Contains 80 playing cards – 16 sets to choose from each time you play
- Includes wordlists showing each set of cards and their focus.

This card game for 2–6 players gives children lots of practice decoding single words – it’s fast-paced phonics fun!
Children call the Read and Grab Word Game the ‘thief game’. Children take it in turns to draw and read a card. If another player has a word card with the matching colour and character, then they can ‘grab’ the card from them. Once a player has 5 cards, they have a set, and no one can grab them! The aim is to collect the most sets.
This card game is quick and competitive, encouraging children to read single words fluently. It’s perfect for small group instruction and playing at home to build reading skills and confidence!
Read and Grab Word Game Box 9:
- Allows children to practise reading decodable words using alternative spellings for the vowel phonemes /ā/, /ē/ and /ī/ (Stage 7 Units 1–4)
- Contains 75 playing cards – 15 sets to choose from each time you play
- Includes wordlists showing each set of cards and their focus.

ISBN: 9780980758160
This card game for 2–6 players gives children lots of practice decoding single words – it’s fast-paced phonics fun!
Children call the Read and Grab Word Game the ‚Äòthief game‚Äô. Children take it in turns to draw and read a card. If another player has a word card with the matching colour and character, then they can ‘grab’ the card from them. Once a player has 5 cards, they have a set, and no one can grab them! The aim is to collect the most sets.
This card game is quick and competitive, encouraging children to read single words fluently. It’s perfect for small group instruction and playing at home to build reading skills and confidence!
Read and Grab Word Game Box 5:
- Allows children to practise reading decodable with the phonemes and graphemes they have learnt in class: ai ay ee ea igh oa (Stage 7 Unit 1)
- Contains 70 playing cards – 14 sets to choose from each time you play
- Includes wordlists showing each set of cards and their focus.

ISBN – 9780980752588
This card game for 2–6 players gives children lots of practice decoding single words – it’s fast-paced phonics fun!
Children call the Read and Grab Word Game the ‚Äòthief game‚Äô. Children take it in turns to draw and read a card. If another player has a word card with the matching colour and character, then they can ‘grab’ the card from them. Once a player has 5 cards, they have a set, and no one can grab them! The aim is to collect the most sets.
This card game is quick and competitive, encouraging children to read single words fluently. It’s perfect for small group instruction and playing at home to build reading skills and confidence!
Read and Grab Word Game Box 3:
- Allows children to practise reading decodable CVCC, CCVC and CCVCC words using the phonemes and graphemes they have learnt in class (Stage 5)
- Contains 80 playing cards – 16 sets to choose from each time you play
- Includes wordlists showing each set of cards and their focus.

This card game for 2–6 players gives children lots of practice decoding single words – it’s fast-paced phonics fun!
Children call the Read and Grab Word Game the ‘thief game’. Children take it in turns to draw and read a card. If another player has a word card with the matching colour and character, then they can ‘grab’ the card from them. Once a player has 5 cards, they have a set, and no one can grab them! The aim is to collect the most sets.
This card game is quick and competitive, encouraging children to read single words fluently. It’s perfect for small group instruction and playing at home to build reading skills and confidence!
Read and Grab Word Game Box 6:
- Allows children to practise reading decodable words using the phonemes and graphemes they have learnt in class: ar or ir ur er air (Stage 7 Unit 2)
- Contains 70 playing cards – 14 sets to choose from each time you play
- Includes wordlists showing each set of cards and their focus.