Showing 41–47 of 47 results

  • The MSL Workbook Book 3


    By Giulia Cuzzilla This workbook is designed for students of Multisensory Structured Language instruction. This workbook should take around three to six months to complete, depending on your child’s progress and how many lessons you do a week. Please note: You will require a sound pack when using this resource. You can purchase one directly through…

  • The Reading Book


    The Reading Book is a comprehensive guide to teaching reading. It contains research-based information that will support primary and middle school teachers to plan realistic and effective programmes that engage learners.

    The Reading Book outlines the approaches used in balanced reading instruction in a clear, teacher-friendly way. It contains practical ideas and photocopiable and downloadable resources, that make reading more manageable for teachers and appealing for students.

  • The Reading Comprehension Bluepr...


    Comprehension is a primary ingredient of reading success—but most educators arent taught how to deliver structured comprehension instruction in their classrooms. K–8 teachers will find the guidance they need in this groundbreaking professional resource from Nancy Hennessy, former IDA President and an expert on reading comprehension. Meticulously researched and masterfully organized, this book offers a clear blueprint for understanding the complexities of reading comprehension and delivering high-quality, evidence-based instruction that helps students construct meaning from challenging texts.

    Aligned with the science of reading and IDAs Structured Literacy approach, this book is a must for in-service educators and an ideal supplement to pair with core literacy textbooks. Todays teachers will get the essential knowledge and practical tools they need to help every student become a proficient reader—and build a strong foundation for school success.


    • Get critical background knowledge. Synthesizing decades of research on reading comprehension, this book provides educators with all the fundamentals they need to teach this key component of reading proficiency.
    • Master the blueprint. Teachers will get a complete framework for organizing instruction, aligned with the language comprehension strands of Scarboroughs Reading Rope. In-depth chapters are devoted to each facet of reading comprehension, including vocabulary, syntax and sentence comprehension, text structures, background knowledge, and levels of understanding and inference.
    • Make it work in the classroom. Educators will find practical guidance and tools for planning their units and lessons, adapting to the needs of individual students, and assessing student progress. (An interactive book study guide makes this book easy to use as a professional development resource.)
  • The Writing Rope by Joan Sedita


    ISBN 9781681255897

  • Thinking Reading : What every se...


    Despite the efforts of teachers and educators, every year secondary schools across the English-speaking world turn out millions of functionally-illiterate leavers. The costs in human misery and in wasted productivity are catastrophic. What can schools do to prevent this situation?

    In their highly-accessible new book, James and Dianne Murphy combine more than 50 years of experience to provide teachers with a thorough, easy-to-use walk-through of the extensive research on reading and its effects on student achievement. Drawing on the work of experts from around the world, the authors explore how we learn to read, how the many myths and misconceptions around reading developed, and why they continue to persist.

    Building on these foundations, chapters go on to examine how the general secondary school classroom can support all levels of reading more effectively, regardless of subject; how school leaders can ensure that their systems, practices and school culture deliver the very best literacy provision for all students; and what it takes to ensure that a racing intervention aimed at adolescent struggling readers is truly effective.

    The overall message is one of great optimism: the authors demonstrate that the right of every child to learn to read is entirely achievable if schools employ the best research-driven practice.

  • Understanding and Teaching Readi...


    The ultimate aim of reading is not the process but to understand what we read and comprehension can take place at many different levels. There has been an increasing emphasis on the importance of reading comprehension in recent years but despite this there is very little written on this vital topic accessible to trainee and practicing teachers.

    The Handbook of Reading Comprehension presents an overview of recent findings on reading comprehension and comprehension problems in children. It provides a detailed examination of the characteristics of children who have reading comprehension difficulties, and examines ways in which comprehension can be supported and improved. It is accessibly written for students and professionals with no previous background in the psychology of reading or reading problems.

    This indispensable handbook asks the question ‘what is comprehension?’ The authors consider comprehension of different units of language: understanding single words, sentences, and connected prose and outline what readers (and listeners) have to do to successfully understand an extended text. This book also considers comprehension for different purposes, in particular reading for pleasure and reading to learn and explores how reader characteristics such as interest and motivation can influence the comprehension process.

    Different skills contribute to successful reading comprehension. These include word reading ability, vocabulary knowledge, syntactic skills, memory, and discourse level skills such as the ability to make inferences, knowledge about text structure, and metacognitive skills. The authors discuss how each one contributes to the development of reading comprehension skill and how the development of these skills (or their precursors) in pre-readers, provides the foundation for reading comprehension development.

    Areas covered include:-

    • Word reading and comprehension
    • Development of comprehension skills
    • Comprehension difficulties
    • Assessment
    • Teaching for improvement

    Throughout the text successful experimental and classroom based interventions will be highlighted, practical tips for teachers and summary boxes detailing key points and explaining technical terms will be included in each chapter.

  • Word Build : A Better Way to Tea...

    This level is for students who have mastered phonics and are ready to learn to read for meaning. This is anywhere from 2nd to 4th grade. Start here with older students with learning challenges, inexperienced ESL students, or any student needing in depth knowledge of prefixes and suffixes. Includes 30 affixes (prefixes or suffixes), 155 days of activities, and six assessments. The components are:

    • Teacher Book
    • BASICS Student Book
    • Student Activity Book